Friday, March 4, 2011


I've been doing some research on the Amish.  And besides the fact that a lot of their town names are bizarre and strangely sexual, the one thing that stuck out to me the most was their refusal to do anything that might be considered vain.

Individualism is highly discouraged.  Everything is done in the interest of the community to avoid selfish motives.

They don't take photographs or allow themselves to be photographed.

They wear traditional, plain-colored clothing.

The women do not style their hair.  No makeup.  No nail polish.  No tanning, obviously, etc.

Their distaste for vanity goes so far that they do not believe in any assurance of their personal salvation.  Believing in their definite salvation would be, in their opinion, arrogant and vain.

I was thinking about this even more as I am going to a formal event this weekend for which I have to present myself in such a way that I "look good."  While I'm much more comfortable in casual clothes, I do feel nice dressing up every now and then.  And the Amish got me wondering, does that make me vain?

At what point does vanity happen?  Is dressing up vain?  Or is simply looking in a mirror vain?

What is your definition?  And in what ways can vanity cross over into the spiritual realm?  

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